JOIN THE STOP 'Ground Zero Mosque' Case!
NYC – Police, firemen and rescue workers who risked their lives to save the victims of 9/11 are NOT invited to this week's 10th memorial ceremony at Ground Zero in Manhattan.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg and Obama are doing all they can to make sure that First Responders stay invisible to the public. The politicians want callous neglect of these heroes' untreated Ground Zero medical ailments, contracted from exposure to 9/11 toxic dust and debris, to be nowhere present while officialdom takes front stage. The political narrative for the ceremony has been dictated by Obama and Bloomberg is more than satisfied to be on board; the ceremony will be all about multi-culturalism, economic recovery and global renewal, not Americans. Denigration of our true heroes combines with political payback: the clash is on-going between the mayor and police and firefighters over Bloomberg's aggressive promotion of the Ground Zero Mosque – a national security threat fiercely rejected by most uniformed Responders that many New Yorkers agree is a desecration of hallowed ground.
So despite the price they have paid to be there, despite their compromised and imperiled health, despite even terminal diseases, which many men and women First Responders suffer for their 9/11 heroics – their sacrifices are not important enough to the politicians in charge to merit their inclusion in the 10th year official commemorative program. First Responders and survivors don't even rate an invitation to attend, much less participate in the ceremony. The brave rescuers are officially being snubbed from the official Ground Zero remembrance events.
STOP The "Ground Zero Mosque" – Tell the Politicians – Select Here Now!
Obama will be there. Congressmen will be there. Bloomberg and oodles of his NYC hack politicos will be there. The First Responders WILL NOT be there. However, Obama, the Congressmen, Bloomberg and his NYC hack politicos all will be taking credit for the sacrifice, humanity and heroics of the First Responders they have locked out of attending. And to add insult to injury, official New York City support, multi-million dollar taxpayer grants, and Obama's endorsement are all readily available for those who would build mega-mosque celebrations of radical Islam; those who commemorate loss, chaos and pathos in "politically correct" style; and those who ignore the authentic American heroism shown against the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Our citizens' faith, volunteerism, and indomitable courage; their compassion, resolve, patriotism and self-sacrifice in the face of barbarism that WAS the American response to 9/11, and that IS perfectly consonant with the American character is what has always made our self-governing republic possible and successful throughout our history, and is not what globalists Obama and Bloomberg want commemorated. So real heroes, stay home.
The politicians are shamefully banishing First Responders and survivors from the public memorial to benefit the politicians. The politicos' agenda, egos and television ratings obviously take primary claim to seating and format in how this memorial has been programmed. Apparently no schedule could possibly be conceived or designed to accommodate those who truly sacrificed to save others. What a travesty, and what a betrayal of the true American spirit we experienced on 9/11 and its aftermath.
What is this really about? First and foremost, the politicians do NOT want to meet their obligations to provide medical care to the heroes who risked their lives, limbs and lungs on that terrible day and have contracted medical disorders from the toxins and carcinogens to which they were exposed. This is not about the sacrifice of giving up hours, days, weeks and months of their time to search for survivors or remains, and clear rubble, unpaid and uncelebrated. This is about crippling, life-altering, life-imperiling, even fatal diseases that have been untreated or under-treated for a decade in officialdom's signal failure to address First Responders' health needs.
STOP The "Ground Zero Mosque" – Tell the Politicians – Select Here Now!
There has been the belated recent passage (in December) of the $4.2 billion Zadroga Act, with a government fund to finally be facilitated for medical treatment and compensation to Responders, coming woefully late to the need.
But will Bloomberg, Obama, Congress and the bureaucrats do their duty to the Responders, or just keep throwing them under the bus while the medical funds are banked? In July, the World Trade Center Health Program, which administers funds from the Zadroga Act, ruled that First Responders would not receive compensation for cancer treatment because there is no established causal link between the incidence of cancer and exposure to the 9/11site, citing a dearth of "published scientific and medical findings."
Father Stephen Petrovich, who sped from Huron, Ohio to Ground Zero only hours after the terrorists struck and spent weeks at the site removing and blessing the remains of shattered bodies, inhaled carcinogens that damaged his lungs, and is now dying in hospice care. He is only one of hundreds of cancer victims among the First Responders and survivors.
Money for imams, but none for heroes.
STOP The "Ground Zero Mosque" – Tell the Politicians – Select Here Now!
And will the politicians STAND UP and protect the First Responders, the survivors, the City of New York and America from the continuing threat of Islamic terrorism?
They will not. We the People must do for ourselves and the nation's defense what the gutless politicians will not. This is why Declaration Alliance has brought the GROUND ZERO MOSQUE SUIT AGAINST TERROR RISK.
The Ground Zero Mosque is a National Security Threat, not a Religious Liberty Issue. It particularly targets and endangers our brave First Responders and the survivors of 9/11. We say, ENOUGH!
On Tuesday, April 5, 2011, hearings commenced in the Ground Zero Mosque case, filed by Vincent Forras, a First Responder on September 11, 2001. The case was initiated by Declaration Alliance (DA) and is being largely financially and publicly sustained by DA supporters. The lawsuit is a class action alleging that the planned mosque and its imams have ties to terrorist interests and that the project, called the Cordoba Project, represents a security threat to the neighborhood and New York City as a whole.
Mr. Forras' lawsuit is based primarily on legal theories of risk and nuisance, and there is ample precedent to allow it to proceed. The case is not an attack on Islam, but the lead imam of the Ground Zero Mosque, Feisal Rauf, has in court pleadings branded Vincent Forras and attorney Larry Klayman as "enemies of Islam," in efforts of intimidation and coercion to get this suit dropped. Feisal Rauf's attacks have been published worldwide in various Internet and other media outlets, subjecting Mr. Forras and Mr. Klayman to great risk from radical Muslim extremists.
The first hearing was primarily based on the defendants' contention that first amendment issues of free speech allow them to build the mosque at Ground Zero. However, we contend that the first amendment does not extend to national security issues. In this regard, Imam Rauf admitted on CNN at the outset of this controversy that if he does not get to build "his mosque" that there is a likelihood of radical Muslim terrorism at Ground Zero. This was a direct threat posing risk of harm at least to all of Manhattan, in our plaintiff's opinion.
We argued at the hearing on April 5, 2011 against the defendants' motion to dismiss and our plaintiff's cross motion for sanctions against Imam Rauf inciting violence – in effect issuing a fatwah – against Mr. Forras and Mr. Klayman.
The issue before the court with the Ground Zero Mosque is that what is in contention as points of law has been falsified. Noisy supporters of the mosque like Obama and Bloomberg have tried to pretend that what's at stake is equal protection of religious rights. That's not true.
No one questions the right of people of different faiths, backgrounds and decent beliefs to have places of worship – but that's not what's going on with the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, and the Declaration Alliance sponsored the filing of this First Responders' class action lawsuit to go to court and PROVE IT.
STOP The "Ground Zero Mosque" – Tell the Politicians – Select Here Now!
The principal imam behind the so-called "Cordoba/Park51" Mosque project is associated with the terrorist Hamas front and other Islamist terror groups – and religious liberty does not extend to activities that violate the fundamental premises of natural justice, such as terrorism.
If you had a cult in America that wanted to practice human sacrifice, it would be lawfully banned. So, too with sects, cults and groups that train, preach and practice illegal murderous violence against innocents, while they cloak it under a guise of "religion" or "education" or "community services."
Such practices are violations, provocations, incitements, safety and security attractive "nuisances" of such severe and palpable degree that they should be immediately handled as actionable by local authorities, but in these present cases involving known Islamist terror risks of violence, federal authorities could intervene to protect local citizens because of the threat to national security. The failure in the Ground Zero Victory Mosque case by both federal and local authorities to uphold national security interests for all America, and protect the personal safety and well-being of the affected class of First Responders and those immediately affected among the Ground Zero community in particular, is incomprehensible.
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, is litigating this class action suit at the behest of Declaration Alliance in the Supreme Court of New York in Manhattan on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Vincent Forras, a patriot and courageous First Responder who was severely injured during his efforts to save innocent lives during September 11, 2001. Vinny Forras has brought suit for "nuisance," "intentional infliction of emotional distress," and "assault" against the Ground Zero Victory Mosque and its terrorist-connected imam, alleging the mosque represents a clear terrorism associated security threat that is intended to carry out at least continuing psychological warfare, if not continuing material warfare, that is terrorism, against the people of New York. Amended complaints of incitement to violence have been added. A copy of the complaints, which are self explanatory, can be found, as filed in court, online at Freedom Watch and Declaration Alliance – SELECT HERE
STOP The "Ground Zero Mosque" – Tell the Politicians – Select Here Now!
We have not asked for your assistance while this case has been pending court schedule. But as we enter into the 10th year after 9/11, the political "class" has clearly revealed itself to be craven, compromised and corrupt, and more than willing to "forget" those brave men and women who sacrificed their all at Ground Zero. We must NOT FORGET, and WE MUST STAND AND FIGHT. And now the court battle is engaged, we know that legal costs will rapidly climb fighting for justice for our heroic class of First Responders with pleadings, depositions and discovery as this case grinds its way through the courts. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SEE AMERICAN JUSTICE PREVAIL, HOWEVER LONG AND HARD THE BATTLE.
If everyone who receives this message would BLAST THE POLITICIANS FOR FORGETTING OUR FIRST RESPONDERS AND ALSO SACRIFICE $100 toward defending America and preserving their own freedoms, OUR DEFENSE FUND WOULD BE SET! We could get the word out to enough concerned Americans to mount the legal defense for affected First Responders in this class action with all resources necessary to prevail, and shut down this outrageous Ground Zero "Victory" Mosque, once and for all.
For more information about Declaration Alliance go to www.declarationalliance.org
Thank you. I know I can count on you. Please DONATE TO Declaration Alliance TODAY!
Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes
If you prefer to send a check, please mail to:
Declaration Alliance
National Processing Center
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728
DeclarationAlliance.org is authorized and paid for by Declaration Alliance (DA), a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization
which focuses on nonpartisan civic education and advocacy regarding important national issues.

Ground Zero mosque plaintiff and counsel threatened
Preceded Threats Against Rep. Peter King Over Muslim Hearings;
Evidences a Pattern of Intimidation
(Washington, D.C., March 10, 2011). Representative Peter King’s hearings today on “homegrown” Muslim extremism resulted in death threats against the New York Congressman, who has been courageous in his search for a candid dialogue on this issue. But King is not the only person who has sought to use legitimate legal means to address the issue of Muslim extremism and collaboration with terrorist interests in the United States.
In October of last year, Vincent Forras, with the assistance of Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, brought a simple “nuisance” lawsuit in the lower court in Manhattan to have the so-called Ground Zero mosque stopped. Mr. Forras is a highly decorated First Responder who was buried under the rubble at Ground Zero immediately after the attack on 9/11 and nearly died. The plans for the Ground Zero mosque not only caused him, and other members in this class action lawsuit, great emotional distress, but the mosque itself presents a new security threat to the neighborhood, which has been attacked numerous times, not just on 9/11. Even President Obama and Attorney General Holder have admitted to this, and as a result agreed to move the criminal trial of the mastermind of 9/11, Kahlid Sheik Mohammad outside of Ground Zero, which is where the federal courthouse is located. And, the Ground Zero mosque Imam Faisal Rauf stated on CNN that if he does not get to build his mosque, that more terrorism is likely there.
After the suit against the Ground Zero mosque was filed, its Imam Faisal Rauf filed pleadings with the court that attacked Mr. Forras and his counsel, Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, as enemies of Islam and as neo-Nazis and then published this to the world in the New York Post and other media. Coming from a Muslim clergy, this was tantamount to telling the Islamic world to harm or kill Mr. Forras and his counsel. Simon Rushtie, and recently executed Christian politicians in Pakistan have been threatened or killed under similar circumstances. To see the pleadings of Imam Rauf, go to www.freedomwatchusa.org and click on to the case section of the website.
“The use of the so-called race card, and these types of abhorrent tactics that further extremism and terrorism, and place lives at risk, should be thoroughly investigated by Rep. King and the Justice Department and clerics like Imam Rauf, who claims to be moderate but who is an extremist who plays a dangerous game of hardball, must be held accountable under the rule of law. We cannot permit this in a civilized society,” stated Larry Klayman.
For an interview with Mr. Forras and Mr. Klayman, contact leklayman@yahoo.com.

Freedom Watch Seeks to Block Federal 9/11 Grant
Did President Obama Suggest this to Rauf?
(New York City, November 23, 2010). Late yesterday, it was revealed that the Ground Zero Imam, Faisal Rauf, and his collaborators, had applied for a federal $5 million dollar federal loan with the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) to build the planned mosque. In response, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch issued the following statement:
“This latest outrage by the Ground Zero Imam, incredibly coming as it does during our Thanksgiving Holiday period, was intended to be yet another ‘in your face’ provocation by radical Muslims to stir up a holy war with Christians and Jews and celebrate their ‘victory’ of 9/11. It is consistent with the GZ Imam, Faisal Rauf, telling CBS’s 60 Minutes just after the 9/11 attacks that the United States in effect had the heinous attacks coming to it. It is consistent with the Imam’s and his mosque’s ties to terrorist organizations and interests, which will be uncovered further in our on-going lawsuit filed on behalf of First Responder Vincent Forras and other 9/11 victims to ‘unmasque” and stop the building of the GZ mosque. See www.unmasquethemosque.com. And, it is consistent with the psychological terror attack that continues to be meted out by this slick, media savvy and dishonest radical Muslim cleric against the people of New York City and the nation.
Mr. Forras and I will not let this stand! To use American taxpayers' monies to build this mosque, which we have reason to believe will be used to further terrorism and is an overt security threat, is beyond the pale and any norm of human decency. To add insult to injury, many First Responders like Vincent Forras are not being adequately compensated from the 9/11 relief fund for their injuries, for even on-going medical expenses. Yet Imam Rauf now wants to raid public monies to finance his ‘victory’ mosque.
Freedom Watch, together with Declaration Alliance, will intervene to block this grant and discover what is behind this latest outrage – as federal monies should not and cannot be used to build an ‘instrumentality of terrorism’ against our own people. And, in the course of the ensuing litigation we will seek to also uncover whether ‘our president,’ Barack Hussein Obama, is somehow behind this – since he has not only promoted the mosque but has promoted Islam here and around the world? In short, will he try to use the Office of the Presidency (POTUS) to grease the federal grant application for Imam Rauf, to throw yet another ‘bone’ to the Muslim world at the literal expense of the American people?”
STOP 'Ground Zero Mosque'
Ground Zero Mosque an issue of National Security, not Religious Liberty
The issue that is on the table with the Ground Zero Victory Mosque -- as it is with Koran burning -- is that both matters have been falsified. People like Obama have tried to pretend that what's at stake is equal protection of religious rights. That's not true.
No one questions the right of people of different faiths and backgrounds and decent beliefs to have places of worship -- but that's not what's going on with the Ground Zero Victory Mosque, and Declaration Alliance is sponsoring a First Responders' class action lawsuit to go to court and PROVE IT.
I want to note that on the same grounds that I oppose the mosque, I oppose book burning of the Koran, and I think on similar grounds both can be lawfully stopped without any violation of constitutional rights.
The Imam behind the so-called "Cordoba/Park51" Mosque project is associated with the terrorist Hamas front and other Islamist terror groups -- and religious liberty does not extend to activities that violate the fundamental premises of natural justice, such as terrorism.
If you had a cult in America that wanted to practice human sacrifice, it would be lawfully banned. So, too with cults and groups that train, preach and practice murderous violence against innocents, while they cloak it under a guise of "religion" or "education" or "community services."
Such practices are violations, provocations, incitements, safety and security attractive "nuisances" of such severe and palpable degree that they should be immediately handled as actionable by local authorities, but in these present cases involving known Islamist terror risks of violence, federal authorities could intervene to protect local citizens because of the threat to national security. The failure in the Ground Zero Victory Mosque case by both federal and local authorities to uphold national security interests for all America, and protect the personal safety and well-being of the affected class of First Responders and those immediately affected among the Ground Zero community in particular, is incomprehensible.
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, has filed a class action suit at the behest of Declaration Alliance in the Supreme Court of New York in Manhattan on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Vincent Forras, a courageous “First Responder” who was severely injured during his efforts to save innocent lives during September 11, 2001. Mr. Forras has brought suit for “nuisance,” “intentional infliction of emotional distress,” and “assault” against the Ground Zero Victory Mosque and its terrorist-connected Imam, alleging the mosque represents a terrorism associated security threat that is intended to carry out at least continuing psychological warfare, if not continuing material warfare, that is terrorism, against the people of New York. A copy of the complaint, which is self explanatory, can be found as filed in court online at Freedom Watch and Declaration Alliance SELECT HERE
If everyone who receives this message would sacrifice $100 toward defending America and preserving their own freedoms, we could get the word out to enough concerned Americans to mount the legal defense for the affected First Responders in this class action necessary to prevail, and shut down this outrageous Ground Zero "Victory" Mosque, once and for all.
Thank you. I know I can count on you. Please DONATE TO Declaration Alliance TODAY!
Keep Faith,

Alan Keyes
PS: Attorney Larry Klayman and First Responder Vincent Forras do their first television interview on this critical case SELECT HERE to see the FOX News interview. Please help us build our defense fund for Vinnie and the whole class of his fellow brave First Responders!
Please Send Checks To;
Declaration Alliance
National Processing Center
PO Box 131728
Houston, TX 77219-1728
DeclarationAlliance.org is authorized and paid for by Declaration Alliance (DA), a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which focuses on nonpartisan civic education and advocacy regarding important national issues.

(September 14, 2010). Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, today announced that the “Ground Zero Imam” and his mosque, the Cordoba House/Park51 Project, were served with the class action complaint filed by First Responder Vincent Forras. The complaint alleges that the building of the planned mosque would be a legal nuisance and that the entire project, to be built in the immediate vicinity of Ground Zero, is a blatant attempt to inflict emotional distress on the inhabitants of New York City; in effect a form of psychological terrorism.
Both the Imam and the mosque have ties to terrorist interests, and a large donor to the Imam's enterprises gave handsomely to the Holy Land Foundation, a convicted terrorist front group. In addition, during an interview on CNN’s “Larry King Live” the Imam refused to say where the money was coming from to build the mosque at Ground Zero. There is other considerable evidence connecting the “Ground Zero Imam” and his mosque to persons and entities associated with terrorism.
When Freedom Watch, plaintiffs’ counsel, sought to have the complaint served personally upon the defendants, including the Imam, servers were prevented from giving it to them. In this regard, plaintiffs sought to serve the Imam after his speech yesterday at the Council for Foreign Relations in New York City.
Service of process was however made under alternative legal means.
Larry Klayman issued the following statement to the Imam:
“In this country, it is important to obey the law. If the Imam is innocent of the charges, he should have willingly accepted service of the complaint. However, instead he chose to “run” from the process server. The Imam can try to run but we will not allow him to hide. Justice will be done under the American legal system, not Sharia law. The case is now on its way to achieving justice for the plaintiffs and all of the people of the City of New York.”
The class action suit has been brought at the behest of Declaration Alliance, with Freedom Watch, in the Supreme Court of New York in Manhattan, on behalf of Lead Plaintiff Vincent Forras, a courageous First Responder severely injured during his efforts to save innocent lives during September 11, 2001. The complaint as filed in court is available online here.
For more information or an interview contact 310 – 595 – 0800.

Media Advisory
Press Conference: 9/10/2010 10:00 A.M. Liberty Plaza Zuccotti Park,
Ground Zero, West Area
Corner of Liberty Street and Church Street
(New York, NY, September 10, 2010). Today, Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, filed a class action suit in the Supreme Court of New York in Manhattan on behalf of Vincent Forras, a courageous “First Responder” who was severely injured during his efforts to save innocent lives during September 11, 2001. Mr. Forras, with the support of Declaration Alliance, has brought suit for “nuisance,” “intentional infliction of emotional distress,” and “assault” against the Ground Zero Mosque and its terrorist-connected Imam, alleging the mosque represents a security threat and is intended to carry out continuing psychological warfare, that is terrorism, against the people of New York. A copy of the complaint, which is self explanatory, can be found as filed in court online here. To support the Ground Zero Mosque suit legal fund click here.
This lawsuit rests not upon any claims against Islam, but rather on harsh and compelling national security realities. Even President Obama and Mayor Michael Bloomberg have been forced to concede that terrorists are prone to again attack the people of New York City at Ground Zero, and that reality and the public outcry it engendered forced them to move the planned trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in the federal court from here in Manhattan earlier this year. Planning repeated attacks and fomenting terror -- such is the twisted, sick and vicious modus operandi of Al Qaeda, Hamas and other terrorist groups, who already have attacked Ground Zero twice at the World Trade Center, at Times Square, and have targeted the Lincoln Tunnel and numerous other places in the area. To attack again and again is the nature of terrorist strategy, and the Ground Zero Mosque and its Imam have well-documented ties to known terrorist groups. And, the very announcement that a mosque is going to be built in immediate proximity to America's hallowed ground of loss, causes severe symptoms of distress to Mr. Forras and other members of his legal class, who suffer daily the physical and emotional wounds of the horrific events endured on September 11, 2001.
“In this age when our government has abandoned respect for the will of the people, we owe a great debt of gratitude to Mr. Forras and the other First Responders who are again putting their lives, fortunes and future on the line to protect America and its citizens. This case is a strong case and while not directed at Islam, is specifically focused upon the terrorist-connected Imam and the Ground Zero Mosque that threatens New York City,” stated Larry Klayman, Chairman of Freedom Watch. “We will not rest until the Ground Zero Mosque is legally forced to go away, and the people of New York and the American nation as a whole can have some peace to heal the wounds of September 11, 2001,” added Klayman.
For more information or for interviews call 310.595.0800